We acknowledge we are farming, brewing and building community on the unceded territory of the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation). And thus, we are committed to the utmost sustainable and responsible land management practises.
Our property consists of two large fields, two apple orchards, two market gardens, two greenhouses and a flock of laying hens. Our large fields were first established in 2013 to grow hops. However, as nature (and a black root rot) would have it, we are now removing the hops and planting other crops. Barley is the key fermentable ingredient in beer and we are committed to planting at least 5 acres of it here.
Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a food production and distribution system that directly connects farmers and consumers. CSA members (the consumers) buy shares of a farm’s harvest in advance, and then receive a portion of the crops as they’re harvested. Since shares are purchased in advance, the farmer gets much needed capital to start the season. Thus both risk and the reward are shared between the farmer and the members.
House Rules
PBC is an inclusive community where everyone is welcome and safe. Disrespect or discrimination toward any employee, customer or neighbour will result in refusal of service and/or being asked to leave the premises
And also...
You must be 19+ to drink here. please be ready to show two pieces of ID.
Growlers, cans & bottles can be opened and consumed in the picnic areas only.
Children are welcome and must be accompanied by an adult.
Dogs are welcome outside on leash.
Growler fills: If a brewery sold it for refill and it is either 1L or 2L, we will fill it. No flip-tops, water bottles or mason Jars.
Growlers are non-refundable. Once purchased they are yours to keep, clean and bring back to refill!
We are a proud no smoking property.
Enjoy Your beer, Farm Fresh!
We also lease several acres of cider apples in the Okanagan and work closely with a barley farmer in northern BC to ensure adequate supply of the best ingredients this province will grow.
Our market garden consists of approximately half an acre of field vegetables and two greenhouses producing a variety of fresh, local produce used in our tasting room kitchen, sold at our on site farm stand, at local farmers markets and to local restaurants and commercial kitchens.
All crops including grains, apples and veggies on our farm are grown using only organic practices to minimize impacts to our land, soils and waters. The spent grain from the brewery is composted on site and used to build our farm’s soil fertility. The flock of chickens eat up food scraps from the food truck and lay eggs which you can buy through our Tasting Room or farm stand to support the Sunshine Coast Association for Community Living (who manage the flock).
PBC’s farm is not certified organic, however, we pride ourselves on employing only organic growing practices. PBC’s Integrated Farm Plan identifies five key areas within its operations that demonstrate our commitment to developing a multi-functional farm that will contribute to small farm and food systems as well as the local economy.